Employment Opportunities for Golden Mile Residents

Employers with postings on this page are interested in helping residents of the Greater Golden Mile (Postal Codes M1J, M1K, M1L, M3C, M4A) to access good jobs. Employers that are located in the Greater Golden Mile, or that are involved in the redevelopment of the area, are invited to share current job opportunities with CIEO for posting on this page.  

Griffith Foods (757 Pharmacy Ave) has initiated a global Women in Manufacturing initiative to increase female representation in their production plants. They are currently recruiting female-identifying individuals for the following positions. If you meet the qualifications for any of these roles, submit your resume for pre-screening here: https://form.jotform.com/241896135360257

Want help with your application? Employment Counselors at these agencies all provide resume writing and interview preparation supports, as well as many other employment services!